Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Community Meeting tomorrow night

The City of Menlo Park is hosting a Community Meeting tomorrow night to review plans for the water reservoir under the park.

Please attend if you can!
Strong attendance at this meeting will show that we want to be involved in this process. At this meeting we will hear what the city and its consultants have to say. Our questions should focus on the process of site selection, rather than on the park design. Our goal is to have the City reconsider the selection of Seminary Oaks Park for this project.

Open House, Presentation, and Community Meeting at the Burgess Recreation Center (701 Laurel)
6:30 p.m. Open House
7:00 p.m. Presentation and Community Meeting

If you cannot attend, please let the City know you are interested in / concerned about this project. You can email the Project Engineer, Jennifer Ng, at jcng menlopark org or call her at 650.330.6743

Monday, May 26, 2008

Easier URL: www.saveseminaryoakspark.org is now active

Easier URL: http://www.saveseminaryoakspark.org is now active.
I created the above URL which points back to this blog, since it is easier to remember and distribute to people.
Greetings! There is now a Yahoo Group established to help disseminate information and organize efforts. Apply to join the group by sending an email to seminaryoakspark-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Here is the City's website on the project:


Yahoo Group info:
Post message: seminaryoakspark@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: seminaryoakspark-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: seminaryoakspark-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
List owner: seminaryoakspark-owner@yahoogroups.com

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Neighbors Express Concerns Over Loss of Seminary Oaks Park

The City of Menlo Park has announced plans to destroy the existing Seminary Oaks Park to sink an "emergency" water tank underground - which may be of little use in an actual emergency. The community is extremely concerned about the City's decision and is urgently seeking to gather information and communicate with all other concerned users of the park and the community to be affected. Please post all other information you wish to share with other community residents and bookmark this blog so you can stay informed on developments as they occur.